A way to describe a scungy bystander. Developed from the characteristics of the Murray river in Sydney (scungy).
"Tommy's a bit of a murray, donchathink?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
by Alex Quantashassle June 25, 2005
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The act of receiving negative consequences by taking advice from slow or dim-witted friends and co-workers.
Did you hear that Bob got murrayed today? He took Steve's advice and ended up getting fired.
by ratboy81 June 29, 2010
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A special type of curry (korma) meal made by Indians. it is filled with curry flavours and is a known delicacy across the world.
murray korma curry
by 60167743 April 23, 2009
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An unusually boring town in the middle of nowhere. Although the town lacks anything fun or interesting the population still proceeds to think they're the best people in the Northern Hemisphere. If the town wasn't bad enough, it's the people that call it home that make this city especially terrible. All the white people think they are black and all the African-American people overcompensate for this inner desire to be black, within an especially white town, by being especially obnoxious. If your typical white iPhone isn't filled to the brim with some ghetto music you're probably classified under the category of a nerd or a Jesus lover. Even though this town, being typically country, is filled with church goers, it's almost impossible to find someone who actually follows all the rules of Jesus. They are all fakes who try to pretend they are better than everyone else, when in reality they all suck. Considering this town is typically classified as Southern, you can find the population migrating to some dirty lake during the summer months and can be found listening to a terrible country playlist. The rich people in town can be found on Instagram bragging about some vacation to Panama City or Disney World, as those are the only 2 places people from Murray travel to. If you are thinking about moving to Murray, first of all how the hell did you find this shithole on a map? Second, don't unless you want to live here for the rest of your live in a perpetual cycle of terribleness.
Normal Person: "Did your ipod just switch from Florida Georgia Line to Jesus music to 2PAC?"
Murray Resident: "Why of course it did."
Normal Person: "That must mean you're from Murray Kentucky."
by John Booty April 30, 2014
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A little town with some big residents. They all want to be black it's wonderfully gay.
Guy: Why are you doing the nae nae?
Murray Citizen: Because I'm from Murray Kentucky!
by TheyCallMeHumpty21 January 10, 2015
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When you use a surname that you know isn't yours. You are given the name via a fake birth certificate to hide history, and the fact your "dad" isn't "your dad", but you go along with it to stay in good with your "chequebook dad"
Muzza is such a Pretend Murray he had it tattoo'd down his leg, and gave the name to his son who is now also a Pretend Murray. Spoon fed family lies are awful tastier than the truth huh?
by ratsbackside May 17, 2023
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An amazing guitarist, and co-writer of classic songs in the band Iron Maiden. Dave stands as the only other remaining member of iron maiden since their beginining in the mid -70s besides bassist Steve Harris. He and guitarists, Janick Gers, and Adrian Smith are all similiarly/different, Murray is the guitarist that is known for playing his random ass solos on the spot following only melody and the scales...making him more of a Hendrix than a Page.
Dave Murray and his strat are out to rule the world! yeah, i guess iron maiden can come along for the ride too.
by James TH April 2, 2007
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