To flake; to ditch or bail last minute; to mislead about future plans; or to completely bounce without goodbye.
Where is Daryl at? I can't find him anywhere. He must have mosed.
by Moses1011 May 13, 2011
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Giving somebody a moses is when you hit somebody with a sheet of paper in the testicles and their balls part each side.
"Wow, you gave me a moses!"
by Kersmith February 28, 2006
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When your girl is on her period and you spread her lips
Yo I just pulled a Moses on this girl last night, parted her lips like the Red Sea
by JorJorBinks14 May 15, 2020
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''Moses will you please spare some bread?''said Marry. ''Fuck no bitch I aint gettin you shit you fucking jew!'' said Moses.
by Dusten October 15, 2006
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Indentation on your face located just under your nose and above your upper lip. Derived from words mouth and nose.
Over the weekend I went to the salon where they waxed my mose.
by oy! September 11, 2006
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(to do the) Moses means:

1) To lead a people through the red sea by parting it with your own bare hands.

2) To lead part of your person into a young lady currently in her time of the month, thus parting her red sea.
Dude, Dr Andre totally did the Moses on that hildabeast!
by sexy_neuron March 22, 2009
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Its the sneeze between your mouth and your nose.
I didn't know if the sneeze was going to come out of my nose, therefore requiring a Kleenex or my mouth, requiring a "bless you", it was a "mose"
by teegray September 9, 2010
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