Another word for Donald Trump. Someone who lacks one shred of intellectual curiosity. Someone who uses the word 'misunderestimated'
What a moron, he wants to build a wall!
by PEPEPIN May 25, 2016
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You are a moron because you don't respect authority as a teenager.
by Ereck Flowers April 1, 2015
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Often someone who is very very stupid in very serious cases or conditions. Most often found as a character or the popular web series Idiotvids.
by dudemanguyguy April 16, 2010
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Person who can't be left without supervision
Bush is a moron so I keep informed. Oh wait now we both have supervision over each other. Did they get google yet?
by Ali Bashir January 31, 2006
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Loren is such a moron for getting back with dan
by Bleachboy January 5, 2014
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Moron is the opposite of Lesson and has a similar meaning to Lessoff. Figure that definition out you high-IQ freaks!
When it comes to clothes, you can either put moron or take lessoff. Either way your not undressing very fast.

"LESS" is the opposite of "MOR". "OFF is the opposite of "ON"
Therefore, the double negative "LESSOFF" actually has a similar meaning to "MORON".
"LESSON" acutally has the opposite meaning of "MORON" by the same logic, as it is a single negative.
by Dr. Sarcasm July 22, 2005
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