He is a dickhead. (atleast the people I know of who have this name.) People with this name can be VERY annoying, stupid and rude and think that they are better then anyone. They think they are strong but even a piece of paper can destroy them. But they still seem to get girls, which is very weird and seems impossible (mostly because the girls like bad boys.)
But they can be nice, but that is very rare.

Overall Person: 1.5/10
(This doesn´t mean that everyone named Manuel is any of those bad things I listed, but most of the people I know named Manuel are dicks.)
Girl: I like Manuel!
Boy: Why? He is a dick, annoying and stupid.
Girl: But he is a bad boy!
Boy: Oh my god, he is gonna ruin your life.
by RapDap November 14, 2022
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A human which looks like and acts like a dog that often likes hump or penetrate random things. All the Manuel’s have atleest 3 cousins and all of them have the same beginning such as Mari. There is mariquita Molina, mariposa molina, marinera molina. This Manuel tends to have necrophilia and constant sexual intercourse with either a male dog or one of his cousins, in other words incest.
Ex: Oh my fucking god that man is such a fucking Manuel.

Ex: I’m sorry ms. Klein your husband is being charged 50,000 for being a Manuel
by Katlin Glover August 8, 2018
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Manuel an funny guy. If you are named shahin he get your balls and sucks them like hell. He's very cool.
Manuel like shahins Ball. He gives them an massage
by Dkdmdmfk February 20, 2018
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the most amazing person ever.stands up for what he believes in and doesn't let anyone tell him what to do.greatest dancer(:
will never be forgotten.
hard headed but has the sweetest heart.
wouldn't change anything about him
by sass- May 8, 2009
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A player who can not control his hormones.
And fucks everything that walks.
dude manuel has fucked every girl in the school.
by kathy flores June 12, 2013
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A tall-ish boy who is really good looking and tends to fall in love with girls who have long brown hair and green eyes. He is really good at soccer and is super funny. swears alot , but no one really cares. He is AWESOME!!!
by powerfil scills May 28, 2014
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and a cool friend
-dude last night i've been with manuel, he have a relly big dick!
-relly?! well he is also a good a friend
by ribeirinhooo09 February 24, 2017
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