A derogatory word used by ignorant women to describe a man trying to explain to that woman anything more complex than how to tie a loose shoelace.
Man: Well, cosmology is different than cosmetology...
Woman: Interrupting Stop mansplaining. I do not care.
by PriorKnowledgw August 1, 2019
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A word feminists use when they lose a debate.
Man: So the fundamentals of......
Woman: STOP MANSPLAINING!!!!!!! *cries immensely*
by Rotten Turkey September 14, 2021
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When a stupid person (in this case a female) asks a distrubingly poorly thought-out question and is then blames her embarrasment, using the “mansplainingscapegoat, on the fact that a somebody (in this case a male) answered their question sufficiently.
Female: “If you pour all of your life savings into the stock of the company you work for and the company does good financially-“

Male:”You’re in the green then-”

by Redpillallofthem March 29, 2019
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When a woman says something utterly stupid and a man rudely fails to pretend like she is making sense.
While watching tennis, Mary remarked that she believed Serena Williams would beat Roger Federer if they ever played. Mike explained the biological differences between men and women to Mary. He also explained normal distributions to Mary, and how even though Serena Williams could beat 99.9% of the men in the world in tennis, that means there are thousands of men you have never heard of that could beat her. Mary did not appreciate the mansplaining and would have preferred to continue living in the false reality where women are just as good as men in sports.
by Pull n Pray August 1, 2019
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Mansplaining happens when a man speaks in a patronising and condescending tone to someone with the incorrect assumption that he is more knowledgeable about a subject than another because of the other person’s sex, class, social status, age and/or experience.

Originally coined by women to refer to misogynistic men, it has since been expanded to apply to all sexes and ages as everyone can be a target of mansplaining, it is not limited to a single demographic.
Some vague examples of mansplaining:

Explaining to a woman how a car runs in simple terms when she’s a mechanic.

A customer talking in a patronising manner to a new employee about how to do their job, despite them having trained for their job for 10 years.

Explaining to someone why music 50 years ago was better and that they wouldn’t know because they’re too young to understand.

Etc. etc.
by Heart. January 26, 2022
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when a sticky little boy tried to explain the swim team tradition to one of the swim captains
Colton saying the tradition is ‘boys only’ is a great example of how good he is at mansplaining
by ladielover69 January 29, 2022
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