this is proof that leanna loves cadence more haha take that sweetie
uhhhh leanna loves cadence more. no kap. yeah i love you more
by skrtskrt42069 February 13, 2020
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Someone who loves you more! No matter what you say, do, or how you act.
Husband:I love you
Wife:I love you too
Husband:I love you more!
Wife:I hate it when I have nothing sweeter to say back to you
by Celeste A. Webb January 28, 2018
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when one person loves another one more than the other loves them
Nile, i love you more.
by 64impala July 25, 2008
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When someone is too selfish and thinks that their love is bigger. All they hear is their own words, and the use the phrase, "I love you more" to create doubt in the other person, making them feel inferior to the one who loves the most or more. Clearly it's not you that loves more, because the other person said the magic four words. They said, "I love you more," and that must mean that you do not love as much as they do. Even in a delicate, and caring situation, the power hungry still have to have the last say, and that is ... "I love you more."
"I love you." said Sarah
"I love you more." Said Stanley
Sarah leaves feeling regret and disappointment in the fact that indeed, maybe Stanley was correct. In fact, maybe Stanley is too selfish to hear Sarah's words, "I love you", and he only hears his words. He has needs for god sake, the need of him feeling like he loves ... more. He loves more than anyone else ... because, Stanley, is more superior. Stanley pulls the power card with those four words. Stanley is power hungry.

If you say, "I love you more." You should ask yourself why.
by Seriously Pseudonym October 19, 2016
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Michelle: I love you

Brandon: I love you too

Michelle: I love you more

Brandon: nope I'm pretty sure I love you more, like it's a fact that I do

Michelle: How so?

Brandon: Just look it up or something
Uh no baby I love you more.
by Vinadod November 25, 2018
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Will B loves Sophia M so much that he loves her more even though she thinks she loves him more. it’s no competition
Sophia I love you more.”
No you don’t”
“Ya I do b-word . . . beautiful”
by TyusJonesHor January 18, 2019
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When you love someone more than that person loves you .
I love you more, Christian Alexander A. D.

F&A, A&F, TI&B♥
by some noob's girlfriendd October 8, 2009
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