The phenomenon where at a party, the most attractive bird is invariably accompanied by her equally hideous mate.
Blimey! She's a beauty but oh my days, what the hell is that monstrosity?
by Ted Hamer June 22, 2004
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"Dude, if theres one thing i can't stand, its another brick liner on the radio."
by MC NC December 8, 2009
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The extra dark eyeliner a person applies before going out for the evening, similar to the smokey eye make-up look.
I'm going to put on my night-liner before we hit the clubs.
by Lolabro May 21, 2012
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One Piece's Zoro's badass statements, usually at the end of a episode
Dude did you watch the One Piece episode
No, will later
Zoro's one liner was the best!
by Blazing_Fire_ January 24, 2015
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a grafditi term often used to mean a word written without interruption where all of the letters are connected, graffiti script
"yo doser's new one liner is off the heezie"
by jimbotron3 November 12, 2006
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A guy who lines his pants with crap, because he shits himself every time he's scared.
That Jester is such a Panty Liner.
by Arcca-Daton December 19, 2009
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Description of a womans vagina that is a little old , tired, well used and worn out that could use some type of rejuvenation procedure.
Vince "That cougar looks great but she could probably use a box liner"

Don "Yup stick a ham in her and pop the bone out that aughta tighten things up a bit"
by richardcheese September 21, 2009
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