A hybrid of legitimately and literally, used to further emphasize a point.
I legiterally wore two hoodies in my friend's house because it was so frickin cold.
by Yustice Beauregard December 25, 2022
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The combination of "legit" and "literally" used to convey an absolute fact
"This coffee tastes like garbage."

"I legiterally fall off the Empire sSate building yesterday."
by Poiema August 25, 2022
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im legiterally over you.
by kayKayHoliday November 3, 2017
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Undebatable; indisputable.
Millie was legiterally the most slobbery, disgusting, and poorly behaved dog she had ever met.
by Mars Love L June 11, 2021
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legiterally (adverb) : early-21c., "in a legitimate and literal sense, according to the genuine, real, exact meaning of the word or words used (originally in reference to an anonymous and spontaneous fusion of the words literally and legitimately). Combination of "literally" and "legitimately". Seemingly more precise and displaying a greater sense of "reality" than either "legitimate" or "literal".
"It is meant to be taken legiterally when stated that there are 10 to the power of 100 to the power of 100 ((10^100)^100) particles in the entire universe."

"It's legiterally impossible to go skinny-dipping in a volcano; your body would skip across the surface of the lava and explode from the extreme heat vaporizing the water inside of you."
by Liphradicus Epicus November 17, 2020
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A hybrid conjunction between “legit” and “literally” used to emphasize the intensity of your statement. (can also be used in college/business level formal writing)
“I legiterally can’t believe that my hamster stole my business cards”

“O Romeo, Romeo where for arthough Romeo I ligertally can’t live without you.”
by 2emma20 September 14, 2018
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