A fucking amazing lesbian. Has the wildest personality. Always having fun... in every situation. Is always there for everyone or anyone. Even when they have done wrong by her. Has the biggest heart. A genuine person. Stunning body, an animal in bed, mesmorising kisser. But fuck her over, and watch the hell out; you wont know what has hit you.
Is that Larissa?
by Rondoletti April 19, 2011
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A human procrastinator of the female gender that snorts glitter 17 times a day.
"Whats all this glitter on your clothes?" - "Oh, I pulled a Larissa move last night."
by FoodIsMyCrush November 7, 2017
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Larissa is this type of friend who is really caring and always listenes to your problems. But watch out: by the time when you need someone to stand up for you or at least to support you she won't be there for you.
“Hey! I just heard your best friend broke up with her boyfriend. So, what is she doin' tonight?“
“I'll probably hang out with him instead of being there for my best friend.“
“Oh man, you're such a Larissa“

Bitch Bad friend
by HoneyHunter February 19, 2017
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She's a fucking snake. Like if you've ever seen her or met her, you'll want to kill yourself. She lies all the time, she says something, INSTANT LIE. For example "I'm female." SIKE that ain't true. She a skinny ass thot who isn't cool with anyone, but the teacher, but even then the teacher ain't cool with her. Sigh. The biggest bitch you'll ever meet.
Larissa is a thot. Don't pull a Larissa.
by SuckItUWont69 August 11, 2018
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Larissa is a girl.
by k;slg January 2, 2018
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A really fat potato who likes to eat pineapples and is mentally ill
Kid 1:Look at the autistic kid
Kid 2:Oh that’s Larissa
by Big meow meow 66282 February 15, 2020
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