Cool, but spelled differently and sometimes used in mmorpg's
Person 1: Want to go to the park?
Person 2: I guess that's ko...
by Zarathaz March 30, 2006
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Stands for a "Kill of Opportunity."
Could be a noun describing the target, or a verb describing how to kill the target.
When both Sadam Hussein and Usama Bin Laden arrive for the exchange, sniper teams 1 and 2 will take both targets out. Consider any other armed associates at the scene a KO.

We can't risk him getting captured. I don't want to go to jail while he goes free just because that child-raping pos cried police brutality. No, if any of us get a clean shot, we KO his ass! Understood?
by inane5 February 25, 2005
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1. ko is a person who has a fro
2. Ko is a person who is a pro in J walking
3. Ko is a Gigolo which you call a man ho
4. Ko is an Aviator
5. Ko could also meen a short fat person.
Ko can u brush your fro with a fro pick?
Ko how many girls can you fuck in a day?
Look at that Ko.
by Ariel Gad January 26, 2007
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Knifed-Out; taken down by a melee weapon in (any game).
The leet player was ko by a noob.
by l337no0bi3 February 13, 2009
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The most lit person you’ll ever meet. Uses puns when given the chance. Not a bitch.. usually. Says “Love that” too much. Only shows up to school because of her gay friend david and her other amazing friends. Will die without her phone- only goes ON her phone because she’s waiting for her crush to snap back. Probably petting a dog, has killed 20 people but that’s beside the point. Is going to be 5’1 forever. Wears slippers, thinks about sex 24/7, but you know. Dreams about Joey but everyone claims David is her boyfriend, even though he’s clearly not. Joey/future husband. Addicted to coffee. Always eating a mint. “I can’t have that i’m on a diet” (She says as she’s drinking coffee). Would do anything for the people she cares about, as long as there is money or food involved- she said ANYTHING. Has 5 dogs (Actually 4, but David is a dog) 3 ferrets, 20098 fish, and a guinea pig. Is the richest person ever(she wishes). Will probably sell you to satan for a cup of coffee :). Skyrim lover. Wants world peace.
Guy 1: has anyone seen Ko?

Guy 2: she’s getting coffee obviously.
by coffeeeeefeeeeeeluv November 20, 2018
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(proper noun) A narcissistic guy who hates everyone who isn't him. They tend to rule over large groups of equally hateful people.

(v) to be narcisstically angry all the time.
I just went to Kos's blog for two minutes and now I will once again read my laundry list of why I hate my politically adversaries!!!!!

Look out, he's Kosing out of control!
by Truthington477 April 5, 2007
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KO Kick Off The start of a sport involving a ball
The KO time is later today as a Royal event is being televised in the morning.
by CriostoirHulme August 2, 2005
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