To throw up on someone while they're giving you oral sex.
BJ:"How'd it go with that girl last night?"
Josh:"Not too good I keated all over her."
by Groovy turtles October 9, 2014
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He is an amazing person, a great personality, one of the best friends a person can have. Usually nice, caring, sweet, handsome, and sensitive people have this name. He is good at playing any sport, especially basketball. His hobby is watching movie and shopping. He is totally perfect accept on studying.
You are good at everything except education, such a Bun Keat person.
by abunene November 23, 2021
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A really funny, outgoing and beautiful girl. She is allways exciting to talk to, and allways has nice things to say. She is smart, and seems very responsible. A Chanelle has curly hair, and looks great with it, but also can look very stunning with straight hair. She is the type of person you are very glad you met, and would do anything for. A Chanelle is someone you instantly fall in love with as soon as you meet her.
1. Hey "Chanelle Keating"! You are really awesome!

2. That girl is so "Chanelle Keating"!

3. Are you wearing "Chanelle Keating" #5?

4. I am going to the movies tonight with "Chanelle Keating".

5. Did you know what the word "shell" rhymes with "Chanelle Keating"? Sort of?
by Albert Squash November 20, 2010
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The sexual act of gangbanging a group of unwilling men, smearing them with vaginal cottage cheese discharge
He was Louise Keates by the Munster at the pub
by Bananarama man June 10, 2020
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The left over toilet paper fuzz on your butt hairs.
Hey Carlos, “after dinner do you want to eat some keating with Hanson and I”?
by January 23, 2021
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Keating also known as Mas Keating means someone who is unappealing, ugly and a faggot. Keatings are also known as rude and very unpleasant to be around.
Mas Keating might trip and break her nick! (The pronunciation of neck is said nick)
Question Siex (Six is pronounced as sex)
Paet (The name pat is pronounced as Paet)
by KnowledgeableIsMyName March 20, 2021
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