Jaxson, a Jaxson is a pretty great guy. Once you get to know one, you never want to unfriend them! The great things about one is that they are smart, handsome, VERY funny, and all a great friend! If you know one, you'll probably regret leaving them. Though they might be down in the dumps, they never fail to cheer you up, befriend a Jaxson, and make them smile as they will to you too.
by LZpotato May 8, 2020
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A very awesome boy who wears champion way to much and has a best friend with the word don in his name.
“Have you heard of that nigga tittie bitch sucker, his name is Jaxson, he’s so nice tho.”
by Yomamaadragon100 October 29, 2020
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Really nice funny and kind guy always there for you and loves to mess with his friends he seems to be a loner but once he finds a friend he sticks with them unless they cross him always keep a jaxson near you he’ll help you out sooooo much
by mayo123 July 20, 2022
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A big jack ass who like to play sport. A Jaxson is short, strong, with brown hair and green eyes. They will generally hate talking but is a good leader.
There is Jaxson.
by sickboi85678383 September 8, 2020
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A person who thinks they r cool and a fucking cheater and later on gets depressed and says they miss you u but u don’t give a fuck. :
Girl1: why did u date HIM?!
Girl2: cause I didn’t think he was gonna be a fucking JAXSON!!!
by Idontknowwhatthehelltowrite October 22, 2022
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A middle-aged prick
by March 6, 2022
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