To leave a situation or place, or otherwise 'bail' from goings on.
All right you guys, it's getting late, I think it's time for me to jam
by ReVaLatiA July 2, 2017
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A word originating from toronto, meaning a party; especially one involving alchohol and drugs
Are you going to that jam?
Yo, throw a jam bro!
by criss990 November 4, 2011
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1. A term used to describe a person's preferred music.

2. A name used to describe robustly good looking individuals.
1. Yo let's throw on some Jams.

2. Hey Jams, you look fly.
by Rod Jamshidian February 1, 2008
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A fruity preserve that usually goes on toast or in sandwiches
by Lizzie Moogle July 6, 2006
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1)Means:To relax, or chill out.
person 1: damm im vexed im goin to smack him
person 2: jam man.
by edds July 31, 2006
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Q: Where’s your friend been?
A: hi, she got her wisdom teeth out. Currently Jammed.
by LeGrandejammer March 18, 2019
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