The devil himself.
Child of Jesse James.
Bad Child.
Man, That guys is almost as bad as Jaden.
by Youwishyouknew621478 April 8, 2008
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Jaden is a guy that is cute, funny. He will make you smile especially in class. You’ll get lost in his brown eyes. He will make you laugh too.
Jaden be geeking me up in class.
by Kay122 July 15, 2019
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A tall or usual person that is good with girls and knows how to keep his ground as a man and a young man.; a boy that can swoon any girl with a date or chilling with them. Also he is pretty good at gaming and in his schoolwork usually getting all A’s or all A’s and 1 B.
Elise, who is your boyfriend.
Elise:Jaden and he is the best!!!
by Definitioncreator69 September 26, 2019
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He is a simp and he pulls all the chicks but only in hunting season if iykyk
Jaden has sex
by Jadens mom October 28, 2020
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