Short for "Counterfeit", term "Fit" is only used for counterfeit money that sells for less than the legal value it resembles. Fits are also known for great quality, but just a bit lower than the actual authentic bill that money is made of. And is used to actually purchase things.
Dude i needa buy me one of em gucci bags for my boo, cost around $250, link me fits to buy 6 of em. I'll pay the producer after i sell em and link one to my boo, seen?
by Playground Legends March 22, 2009
British Word, used to describe very good-looking people.
Fit is another word for: hot, dope, sexy, gorgeous ... etc ...
Fit is another word for: hot, dope, sexy, gorgeous ... etc ...
by SexyHunniex3 May 2, 2006
No further explanation
by Saints October 6, 2003
"Fit" means "what" in Aberdonian in north east Scotland its also a describing word for somone that is hot or sexy.
by Joe Grant April 8, 2008
a needle for shooting up
by Pharaoh of the Far Out May 6, 2004
A baseball cap in hip hop culture. Usually worn by urban or skaters. It has a specified size to fit your head. The brim is flat and there is no adjuster in the back.
Usually the 5950 by New Era, but Reebok is starting to fabrcate the fitted cap too. Traditionally, you leave the sticker on the brim.
When worn on the streets by gangstas. The crips where blue or the color of their sets and they wear it to the left.
The bloods where red or their set and lean to the right.
Usually the 5950 by New Era, but Reebok is starting to fabrcate the fitted cap too. Traditionally, you leave the sticker on the brim.
When worn on the streets by gangstas. The crips where blue or the color of their sets and they wear it to the left.
The bloods where red or their set and lean to the right.
K-Man: Yo where'd you cop that fitted?
J-Dawg:, that's where you get it.
Derived from "So Fresh" by J-Dawg & K-Man in the 4th of July mixtape.
J-Dawg:, that's where you get it.
Derived from "So Fresh" by J-Dawg & K-Man in the 4th of July mixtape.
by The Ungrateful Roomate August 30, 2008
by Carl May 22, 2003