Snaps is a very difficult (but very fun) party/bar game in which two people are in on the code and the rest must struggle to figure it out.

It starts with one person saying "snaps is the name of the game, the name of the game is snaps". That person is player one.

Player one then come up with a short name or phrase in there head that they proced to say in snaps code to the group (however player 2 is the only other person who knows the snap code). The code is as follows:

1 snap = A
2 snaps = E
3 snaps = I
4 snaps = O
5 snaps = U

With each consanent you say a short phrase starting with the letter in your code

L could be 'learn to keep up'
Y could be 'you got it yet?'

Player one: "snaps is the name of the game, the name of the game is snaps"

'Find out what I'm saying?'
Snap three times
'Get it yet'
'How about now?'
'Tough huh?'

'Can't figure it out?'
'Lets try again'
Snap 5 times
'Better luck next time'

Player two: Fight club!
by zoeydarlin January 5, 2008
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very pissed off or mad. Generally crazy person.
brah! that guy is snapped!
by T24 October 25, 2007
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A bowl of weed, packed such that all of the weed will be burnt and inhaled in a single hit. Perfect for stealth smoking due to the fact that no excess smoke is made.
Let's go up into my room to take a snap!

Dude, you look so baked! How many snaps have you done?!

We ripped snaps earlier.
by CrazyBillIsCrazy April 26, 2010
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A word that is used after a putdown/insult.
Dude 1:"Look at those giant boobs."
Dude 2:"They're not as big as yours, OH SNAP!"
by Steve December 12, 2004
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Adj. used to describe money or skills.
Yo you got some snaps for the movie?
Damn homey got all the snaps on the mic
by Justice October 16, 2002
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A sexual nap with no sleeping intended.
Honey, do you want to take a snap? No thank you dear, I'm not tired and I have a headache.
by E-bad May 27, 2010
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