Engrish for "Your base now belongs to us!" Taken from an old, poorly-translated Japanese Sega Genesis game called Zero Wing.
Cats: That now all your base are belong to us, we let you make your time, for there is no escape! HAHAHAHAAAHAA!
by AYB March 7, 2003
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A phrase that generally means you got pwned.
Another way of saying "All your base are belong to us" is:

Your head a splode.
by Marcus Reed August 20, 2006
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A phrase taken from a failed Genesis game very well know for its engrish or very poor english grammer.

by The Corrector January 17, 2003
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A phrase that goes around pc enthusiasts regarding the unreliability of Molex to Sata adapters in computers.
Person 1: "I am going to get a new computer!"
Person 2: "Make sure it doesn't have molex to sata cables, you know the saying "Molex to sata lose all your data", right?"
by blorpburnday February 22, 2021
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1) Guy 1: "Aw. We lost..."
Guy 2: "Yes. Yes. All your base are belong to us!"
by Justin H. April 9, 2005
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Sort out one's problems, contain and deal with one's problems, such that one has problems but at least they are localised. "Poo" is often replaced by "shit".
"Put all your poo in one sock, then meet me at the pub" - Hamish and Andy
by MC-Australia February 8, 2008
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