ireland is an amazing girl. she is a lovely soul who loves to hang out with her friends. even though her home life sucks, doesn’t mean she can’t put a smile on her face. she loves anime and all kinds of weird crap. she is loved by an amazing boy. she is a good technician and has all kinds of cool electronics. she can draw, animate, sing, dance, you name it. She is a very gifted and talented little girl. She very beautiful and pretty. She has short hair that is red like autumn. She really is the best! You should definitely meet her when you get the chance.
Who is that??
Well.. that is ireland!
she is very beautiful..
by iwillnotspoilsuchnames. February 3, 2022
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Ireland is a word used to describe a beautiful, hot, sexy woman.
wow look at her she’s such an ireland
by stewiegriffin42069 May 20, 2020
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Ireland is an amazing person with many friends. She is a short athletic girl that has many skills. She loves animals and is very kind. She’s very goofy but can be serious too. She’s one of those people that just love to have fun. She seems like the perfect person but she has a secret. Everyone loves Ireland but she doesn’t love herself. She is very hard on her self and it has caused her many problems. Ireland is depressed inside and she doesn’t want to be. She loves her friends but she has that one special friend. Your lucky if you know an Ireland.
Ireland is an amazing person.
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The beautiful, awesome, funny, loving, and kind girl she loves to play sports and maybe go shopping she is curious all the time! But in the the end she is the only one that is there for you in your worst times. She loves everyone no matter what their personality or the way you look they don’t judge
Ireland is my best friend she’s always been there for me.
by Your bestest frend ;) February 11, 2018
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Land of awful weather. You can freeze there in summer time.
Land of drinkers and black sheep.


It's the greenest land i've ever seen. The most beautiful, the most 'mystic'.
The land of shamrocks, POTATOES(!!!!!) poets & writers.
Ireland rocks and will rock forever.
The sky moves with you.
by Anna January 9, 2005
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Not only is it a beautiful country, but the name of a girl who all the more breathtaking! She is honest even when you really don't think you want her to be. She has your back when it feels like the rest of the world left you, and will make it clear that she will always be there no matter how stupid or small your problems might be. The kind of friend that you only find once in a lifetime, and a bond that you know and hope lasts your lifetime. She knows how to make you laugh when all you want to do is cry, she is there for you when you are sick, and always the best person to watch a midnight movie or bake with. When you have an Ireland as your friend, it feels like there was never a day in your life you didn't know each other, and no matter how far apart you are, and as cheesy as it sounds, when you see each other again it's like you were never apart. It's like God knew you needed someone in both of your lives that would bring the happiness, love, and laughter that everyone deserves to have. She is the biggest blessing someone could have in their lives. Everyone deserves an Ireland.
Everyone deserves an Ireland in their lives.
by fuk biches get dinero June 8, 2018
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The hottest prettiest funniest most attractive person they Seem so confident on the outside but I’m so broken on the inside so be gentle with this person this person is very social and can make friends easy
Ireland you good bro?
by Aidenahahbsbsz May 14, 2019
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