IKE-Acronym, as in I Know Everything
Nick name for the "know it all" person we all know.
Used when a friend knows the answer to everything you ask, or has a better story than you.

You- "I got my car up to 100 mph yesterday"
Friend- " According to "Car and Driver" magazine your car can't go that fast, and I did 110 mph in my car yesterday."
You- "Whatever Ike"
by KmanNY1 April 23, 2008
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a person, male or female, that has bangs like Ike Turner on the movie "What's Love Gotta Do With It"
Look at Erica's bangs! Yeah I know she's so Ike.
by Caramel Mama January 24, 2009
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A male Chief title for the Idong Clan of Ngerbodel, Palau.
I heard Chief Iked speared a large turtle yesterday on his fishing trip.
by Palauan-ish November 24, 2021
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v. - 1. to completely dominate, manipulate, control 2. to take over; surmount

Implied in the song "Bound to Ike" on the album "Danger Zone" by Philly-based rap group Tuff Crew
I'll ike the whole scenario, yo!
by "Cool Aaron" Taylor October 26, 2007
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a word used to confess you're undying love for someone
by John Eckman April 7, 2009
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Ay ike, don't be hatin!
Nephs I'm a gangsta, ike!
Ayo ike, best not be playin around with me ike.
by Jeremy Sutton January 26, 2004
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tall.stubborn. sporty. dyslexic.good looking and extremely sexy.
by Frank February 23, 2019
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