A term That was initially funny but then the annoying ass white VSCO bitches took it and made it their fucking demon call n shit. As well as "sksksksksksk" like those were supposed to be used in text NOT SPEECH. Dumb asses.
VSCO bitch 1: sksk Charlie sksksk asked me and I oop to homecoming sksksk
Vsco bitch 2: omg and I oop *drops loud ass hydroflask* sksksk that's so scrunchie friendship bracelet and I oop.
by Jordan Racquel September 8, 2019
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A word used by dumb Vsco girls and boys this is often used aswell as sksksksk
Normal girl: I am insane
Vsco girl walking past: sksksksk (drops hydro-flask) and I oop.
by Unknown user 72 September 29, 2019
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,,and i oop’’ is used by most annoying people in the world. VSCO GIRLS. If we wont stop them they will take the world
by Gossip girl 🌮 September 5, 2019
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A retarded term used by retarded vsco girls if they do retarded stuff
by wheres._.the._.love October 6, 2019
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Used by annoying dumb whores and vsco girls who think it’s cool to say it every damn minute. Girls who say this term suffer from dumb bitch syndrome and get rammed in the ass for money
Boy: I think I might have a crush on Jackie
Girl: And I oop-
Boy: (pushes girl down the stairs)
by an-da313(OnSnapChat) August 24, 2019
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what all the basic vsco girls say now. it's usually when they don't know how to respond or someone says something bold. sksksks is also common to be said after and I oop-.
by the last e girl standing August 30, 2019
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