A selfish old hag who causes pain to everyone she comes in contact with (except her select few who for some reason she treats like brilliant Gods even though they are mentally challenged).
That was a really nasty thing to do. You pulled a Harriet.
by udqueen September 20, 2017
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A very hot girl that has brown hair, green eyes or blue and is nice to everyone. She takes everything seriously and can’t take many jokes, only the ones where she understands them and she’s in a laughing mood. She is a very likeable person and a nice person to be around. She has a lovely aura and is popular. She sometimes will make friends with the not-so popular people to make them feel better.
Damn, there’s a Harriet over there!!
by MattyWallFlips October 19, 2018
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this girl sticks of formosa

she is a sexy asian and is a very loving grandma

she loves pulling Chinese lads

and also women watch out fo her she might steal your boyfriend or even girlfriend
boy1 I just got cheated on
boy2 I bet it was that girl Harriet

boy1 oh yes I have heard she has been going round stealing peoples girlfriends
boy2 yes hope you okay at least you dint look like a pile of formosa
boy1 true dat
by pile of formosa March 23, 2019
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A thick patch of pubic hair surrounding a womans anus. Usually occurring when the vaginal region has been shaved or brazilian waxed.
Damn Girl!! When we was doing it earlier your Harriet Winslow was ticklin my balls.
by Eddie Winslow II July 13, 2008
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Nominee for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Previously served as White House Counsel to the President. Her nomination has come under fire because of a lack of experience and what some Republicans feel is a lack of conservative credentials. She is a born-again, sexually inactive 60 year old woman who looks like Jerri Blank from Strangers with Candy.
Today I nominated Harriet Miers to the bench. Uhhh, you'll just have to trust me on this one.
by PPabs October 9, 2005
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