1. finding possible exploits in software codes as to make it do your bidding. may be good (jailbreaking) or bad (cracking, piracy, virus, etc)

2. posting "i'm gay." or "i'm so hot." in a facebook account of a person who forgot to log out.
1. Hacking requires creative thinking.

2. OMG you hacked my facebook! You fiend!
by yoasakura38 December 26, 2011
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Hack (v.) -

In graffiti terms, to hack is to take either a pen, pencil, or marker and draw a clear line through another's hard work. Why one might choose to hack another's art is usually justified because the artwork was tagged by an opposing artist or personal rival. In some cases, the art just might not appeal to the "hacker" for numerous reasons.
"Can you hack that throw up over there on that wall next to the street lamp?"

"Wait. Why?"

"No reason. It's just that Paul made it; you know how he pisses me off."
by Romolo October 31, 2005
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Being a hack aka Jimmy b , to be good at nothing
Oh man dont do a boxxy and be a hack
by King AKA Jean Claude Cam Dam November 13, 2010
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Someone who does something so unbelievable there are no other words to describe it.
Ben Steen is a hack.
by hackstar December 9, 2013
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A "Software Engineer" that has no/limited schooling whatsoever and thinks he/she is a "Software Developer/Engineer".
a) Taking one programming class does not make you a programmer it makes you a hack.

b) Making up your own programming guidelines and automatically assuming that Microsoft is moronic makes you a hack.

c) Knowing a lot about several different programming concepts, but not following conventions makes you a hack.
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"Man , ah` am completely hacked"
by William Warney July 7, 2009
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To really,really get inside a female/male while sexual intercourse just to really get something huge out of it.
Jack: I was hacking into Leslie, now I really have what I want. ;) Oh baby.
by browngirlsdonttakebs April 20, 2009
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