A beautiful looking woman! She makes everyone smile! She is caring, loving, and has a big ass. She always is their for everyone, but when she is with her boyfriend she gives 110% and nothing less than that!
She has a feliciti!
Your girlfriend feliciti is perfect for you!
by My babygirl love July 10, 2014
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a basic slut who bangs everyone she sees
by ZenthicAlpha XxZ4CK50xX January 18, 2018
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Felicism; (noun); is the direct antonym of Cynicism, and is characterized by faith and hope in human nature and the belief that people's action are motivated by altruism, virtue, empathy & love. A felic will see meaning and worth in any situation or individual.

The word felicism derives from the Latin word for cat which directly contrasts with the root of Cynicism which means dog-like.
It takes a high level of felicism to to trust that politicians have our nation's best interests at heart.
by FelicAtHeart October 7, 2015
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A girl who craves cock, a girl/guy who has the name Feliciti is usually a bitch and dramatic.
by Longkanker March 18, 2017
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1. A state of mind where one feels no emotion or feelings towards the opposite sex while violently sabotaging his/her pubic area.

2. A fictional character who can maintain the same facial expression during any circumstance or condition.

3. A modern thought-making genious.

1) She told her friends that she got feliced after the party.

2) He smiles the same way in every picture, reminding me of a felice.

3) That was a good quote, did you steal that from felice?
by a-non-o-miss June 16, 2007
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monkey girl, who likes BOOTY sounds like witch when she laughs, farts a lot, likes to eat, she loves to eat pickles.
That girl is a felicity!
by sillywillybob April 15, 2015
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irritating, no figure, wears same clothes for a whole week
ew shes a felicity
by tangofruity177 March 5, 2018
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