a person who tries to use the same lines, and "pouting" to get girls to do something with him... usually successfully, but little known to him... everything is known by at least one; wanna be pimp; vertically challenged... in more ways than one
"Look at the fee try his stuff."
"yeah, he tried that on me yesterday."
by K-S June 12, 2003
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Big Tall and stupid. IQ of a shovel. Term used to describe people of lesser inteligence, lower level of thinking.
That kid is such a chris fee
by Jimmethy December 24, 2007
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a) a word that describes leavin

b) also can be used to tell some one to fuck off
i'm fuckin over it man, i reckon its time to fee

i wish this cunt would fee, he's doing my head in
by bbbaz July 22, 2008
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It is a group (more than one) of people who do the stupidest things. Usually it involves a gay male. This group however, doesnt involve more than 4 people. And in this group there is one leader, usually the gay male. And the group doesnt care about trouble. In fact they are the ones causing trouble.
Dont be a idiot!= Dont be a hushuma fee fee!
by Kobe Jordan December 17, 2014
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When someone pees and farts at the same time.
I was trying to take a shit last night and I ended up feeing
by Huge Raf March 29, 2017
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originated from Feeser, as in the last name. It can refer to many things such as having gingivitis, or simply doing something stupid, or being an idiot.
"That was so fees."
by ab0vesuspici0n February 20, 2004
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First Exposure Effect. The tendency to prefer the version of something you were originally exposed to. Can apply to a song or haircut.
I would be pleased to watch Ball of Fire with you, assuming a positive FEE.
by reubtronic December 29, 2006
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