Something tfrom doesn’t have
Tfrom is such a pimp he only got feelings and not emotions
by Nottfrom February 11, 2020
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Giving off an emo vibe.
Person: Did you see that chick? Talk about emote.

Random Guy to Annoying Girl: EMOTE!
by Sahara April 21, 2005
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A nice way of saying someone is a raging cunt.
You: Hi there
Them: Fuck you
You: There is no need to get so emotional
by burning_bush May 23, 2010
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agitation or disturbance of mind; viament or excitement; mental state
Janet Weiss shows emotion before sleeping with Rocky in The Rocky Horror Picutre Show
by Demon Barber June 14, 2008
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Jasmine: I just wanna get laid and break relationahips but nobody likes me because I'm so emo.
Sadie: You freaking emot.
by HTTU March 17, 2019
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1. Of or relating to emotion: the emotive aspect of symbols.
2. Characterized by, expressing, or exciting emotion: an emotive trial lawyer; the emotive issue of gun control.
3. A shortened version of this word emo branched into a music genre and a guide for attire, makeup, attitude, and general, everyday appearance.
a. Second meaning of this word often mistaken for emotional.
Wow... That movie is so emotive... I laugh and cry every single time I watch it.

lYkE.. I lUv HawthoRNE HeIghTs!!!11!1 They underSTanD mEh ...and teH emOTionAL paIN I unDErgO eVeRY wakiNG MOmeNt of mY trIViaL LIfE.... ThURr muSIC is emOtIveE.. and i ToTaLLy LUUUUUUUv themMm... LolZ!!1 OMfG!!111!!!!1!11!! TEEHehee. KTHXBAI.
by Gaaaaaaaaaaabbi November 5, 2005
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