Awesome and amazing friend. She will always be there to tell you you're not fat. She may not be the brightest bulb but is great nevertheless.
Eliza is the best

Eliza is always there!!! <3
by Eliza Mae Weatherton March 16, 2018
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Eliza is a decent human being who would never try to steal a man. Her friends jumped over backwards to try and steal things they really didnt want or need. Eliza is smart, quiet, driven, independent, and never listens to negativity. Eliza is pretty mean and an angle all in one. If you cant handle an extraordinary human leave her be she is fine without your presence if it brings down the most awesome women in the world. Eliza defines herself so nobody could ever define her truth except her. Quit hating on Eliza's.

She dont want it.
Eliza's heart is extraordinary. Leave her be if your a hater. She dont want him.
by Hey1haterssuck November 24, 2021
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A eliza is the most funniest,deepest,and most wonderful girl you can ever have she has pretty long hair gorgeous eyes and the best laughter she may be a emo bitch but thats just eliza.
person 1: is that eliza??
person 2: yes the most prettiest wonderful girl out there.
by G H O S T <3 March 2, 2023
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Eliza Keaveney is one of the most sexiest person in the world she can make you happy with just one look. Eliza gets upset easily and is very insecure she does not like complements and pushes people away so she does not get hurt. she wants a boyfriend and is scared to tell anyone because she doesn't get hurt .she is kind loving and super sweet you would be lucky to date her if you look at her you will be starstruck
omg Eliza is amazing
by bigoldcats102 June 14, 2020
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A very legendary person. Usually more legendarier than Brontes and Ellas. Extremely intelligent and smart, weird sometimes, and funny.
Barney Stinson is legendary. Almost as legendary as Eliza.
by Random strawberry November 25, 2012
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To direct attention towards yourself in public usually because of your laugh or you loud ass voice
We should have left her at home she's about to pull and Eliza
by Lilononsensical July 3, 2016
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Hey Lize, if your reading this, its me. You'll know who it is by the end of the paragraph. I just wanna tell u that you are the nicest person I'VE EVER MET!! I love u with all me heart (not in a love love way btw) u r my bff for life. U have a bunch friends, milly, immy and ash. And me of coarse, the one that farts beside you and eats tacos weirdly. So if u end up reading this one day. It's me millie barry. Ur faaav cuz and trusty side kick. Luv U heaps.
- AMELIA B, 2020

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