Drew is a guy that makes a girl go insane over him. He may not realize it but at all times there is at least someone thinking about him. He is sweet, charming, caring, and the hottest guy you will ever meet. If you get the chance to date a drew never let him go he will make you the happiest girl alive.
Girl #1: Fuck! I think I'm falling for Drew
Girl#2 : Shit I am too!
by imfallinginluvvv November 30, 2017
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"Drew is one sexy mf" said all the woman
by gaysandwitch January 29, 2021
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Drew is normally a pretty and adventurous girl. They tend to be good listeners but if they don't like you then don't even bother talking. They are good at sport but not very competitive. They tend to be horny and a bit slutty. They are usually tall and have broad shoulders. They have a kicky side. They can be very lazy and like to procrastinate. They can be a bit loud and abnormal. They have realy big personalities and and a warming heart
by Susanvan die plaas September 12, 2017
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is a great guy, even greater kisser, and even cuter body. His amazing personality will leave you breathless with the realization that you just met a living god and should treat him with respect
That drew over there... man i wish i could be him
by rustyapple May 30, 2018
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A charming and sweet asshole, has the tendencies to have a smart mouth and be extremely sarcastic, but cares for mostly everyone. He's nice when he wants to be and can make a girl fall for him in just the snap of a finger. If you give him a reason not to fuck with you he won’t. Also he is very good at sports and favorite colors is Black, Red, and Blue.
Drew is so cool
Drew is a great friend
by Coolboy215 June 21, 2019
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Drew is a girl who is caring. She is a beautiful lady. She is very athletic and play as much sports as she can. She is a very good friend and will always be there for you. She can be a bitch so you better not mess with her. You are rude to her, she give it 10x worse back. She would do anything for her crush. She is crazy always ready for fun. Also many don't like her because she is cocky at times, but if anyone really got to know her they would love her.
Boy: Man Drew is pretty and funny! I wish she wasn't taken!
by ihaveNOideaMAAM December 28, 2012
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A great guy, he's smarter than he realizes. He's also very sarcastic and kind of rude on accident. At the same time he is the funniest guy you'll ever meet. He's also the sweetest, and most romantic. At the same time he is hot, and cute no matter what he does. He's amazing, and if your lucky enough to date him, never let him go. Lock him in your basement. Just kidding...maybe.
"Who's that hunk?"
" That's Drew."
by LoveBooBooHeart September 8, 2015
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