A) A person who is a complete ignorant dick who thinks that they cannot be wrong.

B)A person that talks too much shit and can't back it up.

C)Someone who is a unnecessary tough-guy all the time.
ex) Mike: Tom, stop talking so much shit all the time.
Tom: Whatever dude its how I roll.
Mike: Douche.

ex) John M.
by Mike Markey February 26, 2008
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- A french word meaning; shower
- A name you call an immature idiot(usally male) that pisses them off, very offensive
-An item used ( more in older days ) to clean the ladies lower area
" Sarah did you just see that douche who just ran that red light, he almost hit that little kid"
by hpluvr February 11, 2009
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Someone who is not even good enough to be able to clean a hairy, smelly, infected vagina. Somebody who is maybe only fit to clean the douche. But only maybe.
Nate used to be called a douchebag but after a while he got worse and everyone started calling him a douche's douche.
by panthermother July 29, 2009
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1.To clear out the rectom from a high position.
2.The act of having anal sex with a girl after someone else has done her in the same place.
3.Verb; acting douchtacular.
3. Chrissy is douching on everyone or Chrissy is so douching herself.
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somebody who thinks commenting a link to wikipedia for the word fag is funny.
that douche thought it was funny to comment a link to wikipedia for the word fag!
by markva_37 September 27, 2011
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Dick, Obnoxious, un-educated, cocky, half-cocked, entity.
by baTman2.0 February 8, 2014
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Literal - A liquid concoction used for sanitizing and cleaning the female nether regions.

Actual - (Adj) A person who is a waste of oxygen; an idiot. Also used to describe a male / female (N) that won't let you run your game. To act in a ridiculous manner; embarassing (V)
That beaatch is a "douche", yo. Tell her to step or catch five quick ones!

My boy was "douchin'" out hard last night! The had to carry his ass out the J-Kwon show.

That kid is real "douchey". Keep him out the crib.

His name is Rich, but we all call him "The Douche".
by cfee2xd May 27, 2004
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