Lying- particularly about the reckless endangerment of other people’s lives by privileged elites who think themselves above the law
Dominic Cummings’ wife said “the next day he collapsed and lay ‘doggo’ for 10 days, unable to get out of bed.” When in fact he drove 250 miles to his parents’ house an was seen dancing in the garden.
by Mggggggh May 23, 2020
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A doggo was secretly here before we were ruling as the over lord of the dinosaurs. But know there just big old puppers but if you disrespect the doggo he/she will summon hes/shes army and destroy you! And bite you!
Friend1 : are we still going to the movies?
Friend2 : I tripped over my doggo so we can't go out I have to take it to the vet.
Friend 2: yeah ok, see yah later
by ISHADOGGO! July 24, 2018
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1. An alternative name for a dog.

2. A cute name that can be used to refer to anyone or anything, often used by stoners.

3. A word often used in dog memes.
1. "Look at that cute doggo!"
2. "Carl, my doggo, we should smoke a blunt together before we go our separate ways."
3. "Father doggo, u r doing me the great spook."
by dank weedness October 18, 2016
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An sweet nice dog that sometimes can be a goofball but is also a good boy.
Aw, what a cute doggo, its ok if he behaves rambunctiously i still love him : )
by sweaterwearer December 11, 2016
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Doggo is dog.
The history of doggo.
Doge became doggo, and young doggo is doggo pupper.
Doggos bork. They are only allowed 2 borks a day but if they bork a third time they go into maximum bork drive overload.
by derpmasterwopopowpowpo April 7, 2017
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Twat: look, a cute wittle doggo
Carer: I'm wasting my time with you aren't I.
by No I'm Not Serious June 18, 2021
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