A person who leaves to "get milk" and never returns.
Person 1: "She was being totally clingy, so I just pulled a Dad and got outta there."
Person 2: "Wow, harsh."
by ghosttwat666 September 6, 2022
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N, The better parent.

The person you can always go to when your mom is being Hitler and complaining about you for not doing your part around the house while you actually do more than she does.

He sits on the edge of your bed at night when he thinks you're asleep and rubs your forehead.

Someone who can whip your arse if you do something wrong, but doesn't go overboard with punishment. He makes you a better person.

The only name he will let you get tattooed on your body is his.

The most amazing person in the world.
ME: Dad, I love you.
DAD: I love you too.

by ashley:) January 10, 2009
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Dad, please, comeback, i know your taking a long time to get the milk, but its been a while, i miss that good old dairy smell, the produce isle doesn’t feel the same without you anymore. But dad, please come back, its been 15 years, mom couldn’t afford the mortgage, and we are living in cardboard boxes on the side of the road, my sister molly, was abducted by a homeless man on a tricycle. Mum can barely afford a happy meal, mom’s been acting very differently, after she started snorting salt. My favorite game that me and my brother do, is that we steal stuff from SuperStore, and see how long we can make it out of the store, before getting slaughtered at the end of the side of the road, mom has already had to amputate her leg and two arms just to keep us fed on the past few days. Brother Timmy has also been acting weird since we hung his rabbit on the McDonald's drive through section, before creeping customers, and stealing their french fries from the wedged part of their carseat. Some guy tried selling me kids on a Tricycle and saw that my Long Lost sister was in the back where most of his butchered horses, some day in Weathorford Texas. Mum Couldn’t afford cutting off her limbs anymore, so she gave us flashlight to search through dumpsters late at night when The Chad’s appear. But please comeback, Dad, i need something from you. Come back, with the milk...
Timmy: Where did dad go mom?
Mom: he has been gone for a while Timmy.
Me: Wheres the milk?
Molly: *mphmghph* struggles to get the duck tape off her face after being kidnapped.
Brother: I need milk, its a problem
by Trash Kid September 14, 2019
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Just try to win an argument with him. Then tell me the results when you're not grounded anymore.

Son: "But dad, I-"

by True Storyz June 13, 2010
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the guy who treats you like his own. the one who, teaches you how to ride a bike. the one who is there for you no matter what. the one who wants his little girl to grow up happy. the one who you can go to. the one who, when you start to date guys, gets all super protective. the guy that loves you unconditionally. even when you mess up every once in a while no matter how big the mess up was.
person one: is that your father?
person two: no, thats my DAD(;
person one: whats the dif??
person two: how bout you go look it up on urban dictionary?!
by awed1 March 5, 2009
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not just related to you by blood, but someone who really ares about you and what you feel, very important to kids living with their moms
My DAD is the most understanding person in the world!
by backgroundgirl June 6, 2007
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