The only person in his family with straight hair (probably because he's adopted) also the autistic kid in your gamechat lobby. Usually kicked out of Iran and China cause no Asian countries approve of his little pinky winky.

Most importantly his very fucking annoying.
Cyrus that little bitch.
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to lick an object sexually and slowly
in band class while playing the flute i decided to cyrus it, i got written up...

kelsey cyrussed her flute
by hollaatmeyo December 8, 2013
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Cyrus, a fucking living Jesus christ among men and if you ever met a Cyrus don't be a dickhead to him unless you want a foot up your ass.
girls: "OMFG that Cyrus is literally chiselled as fuck"

Cyrus: "Nah don't be silly oh wait yeah your right I am chiselled as fuck"
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The coolist, hottest guy on earth from brookline!!!
Hey look its Cyrus he is awsome!
by spazy foot May 7, 2008
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a name that was ruined by the now defunct Hannah Montana.
Hey, let me name my kid Cyrus so that it isn't a cool and unusual name that people cant pronounce.
by singul November 30, 2009
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To thrust a turnip, a rutabaga, and a butternut squash up the anus one after the other in a hasty fashion.
"Please, don't Cyrus me!" begged Crystal as her abusive lover towered over her, a rutabaga in his hand...
by kingofpoker61 February 10, 2012
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To mark an item as irrelevant and move on.

Named after a certain doc reviewer known more for his chesticles than his doc review prowess.
Reviewer A: Hey, this is an amazing document. How should I code it?

Team Lead: It's not that important. Just cyrus it.
by smarterbrother April 20, 2011
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