Cutiful: cute and Beautiful merged together to be Uber cute.
by Naboulatron January 12, 2019
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Unexplainably cute, beautiful, adorable, nice and more
Wow ! That dog is cutiful, i want it!
by sachaaaaaa611 March 23, 2017
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" Do you see that person over there scrolling through the urban dictionary? They're a total cutie!!"
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A slang term used to reference a quarter-pound of marijuana. Often referred to as a "QP".
Chuck: Yo Larry, how much of that stuff was you wanting? An ounce?

Larry: No, go ahead and give me a cutie. I got paid today.
by IWon'tSeeYouTonightpt1 February 2, 2011
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A scrotum, shriveled up due to cold conditions, thus having the appearance of a small clementine (aka a “cutie”)
“I walked in on George, naked, right after he took a dip in the pool. Saw his ‘lil cutie.”
by Wikman April 7, 2019
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Maddie Bulleyment
Person 1: what’s the definition of cutie??

Person 2: maddie bulleyment
by _divorced.beheaded.live_ June 1, 2020
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someone who is just bubbly and giggly and childish. usually loves pink and cuddles.
by prxncess July 11, 2016
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