The hair on the pubic area of a ginger or redhead.
Guy 1: She had orange cotton candy and it was so much!
Guy 2: Too bad. Mine was clean.
by PatmaHeiny2 March 26, 2011
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Barack Hussein Obama - Presidential candidate that is all sweet and fluffy. He makes you feel good, but his words have no real substance.
Barack is the Cotton Candy Candidate.
by MOPNB May 12, 2008
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Julia's grandma was a gilf so when I bent her over she exposed her silver cotton candy.
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When you are fucking a chick with a cave of a vagina and you resort to moving your dick around in a circular motion around the edges to get some pleasure.
Random Guy: Dude she has a whale mouth for a pussy.

You: Yeah, I was making cotton candy with her.
by Dode Whittman September 14, 2010
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the act of having anal sex with a woman while she takes and enormous shit, once you pull your dick out the pile of shit collected on your dick will look like cotton candy...hence the name chocolate cotton candy
she must have had a fibrous meal cause once i pulled out i had chocolate cotton candy.

she must have been holding it in for a looooong time cause when we were finished i had chocolate cotton candy
by papabear13 May 13, 2011
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referred to guys (rarely girls) who seem perfect for you; however once you finally get a taste of him he's not all that you thought he would be, he doesn't satisfy you. Just like cotton candy.
She thought she liked him, but as soon as he shot his tongue down her throat, she realized he was just a cotton candy crush.
by Peach_A_Boo December 28, 2010
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During an amazing Blow job, the "Cotton Candy Twist", is the act of licking liquid (either pre-cum, cum or saliva) from the tip of a penis. Whilst licking said liquid, a "string", from the tip of the tongue to the tip of the penis, is formed.
Damn girl, that was an amazing BJ and the way you batt your eye lashes when you do the cotton candy twist made me want to cum.
by StellarUnicorn December 19, 2014
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