similar to "cool story bro" but but instead refers to people that look like john lennon
if a friend that looks like john lennon told a story that is absolute bulshit you should probably say "cool story barr"
by edmundo boyo ;D November 7, 2011
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"Cool story, bro" is an expression used to actualize the insignificance of stories or statements that are falsely believed to be very significant by the individual that is sharing them. Usually a condescending response to a self-indulgent based monologue, this phrase is often used when the speaker's story is, in acutuality, not very cool at all. If used to positive effectiveness, the person(s) applying this expression may sufficiently help the speaker to realize how insignificant their story and/or statement truly is.
Scenario: Seth brings his surfboard to the beach on a day when the ocean is evidently very flat.

Surfer: "Wow... I wish I would've brought my long board today."

Seth: "I know, man. I checked the surf report this morning, and there were supposed to be some pretty gnarly waves."

Surfer: "Really?.... Cool story bro."
by Frankie Boom Botz July 26, 2011
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Goes along with the term cool story bro it is used to catch the said cool stories
Guy1: hey you owe me something
Guy2: what do I owe you
Guy1: a cool story come on put it in the cool story hat
by hijack550 August 6, 2011
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Something retards and trolls say, when they didn't like something they read, really want to argue but, just aren't smart enough to do so.

See also TL;DR
cool story bro is just more obnoxious forum chaff from the crap factory and anon daycare center, that is 4chan.
by Lig Na Baste August 14, 2009
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you all know the definition to cool story bro, but now there's an addition. If you really don't like the story your friend just told, add on "Hope they make a movie about it"
Story Teller: aw man I went to work the other day and this lady came in with her kid... blah blah blah
You: Cool story bro, hope they make a movie about it!
by kittykat14311 May 5, 2011
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What a douchebag says when (s)he wants to completely disregard a separate party's important and/or drawn-out speech. Contains a similar connotation to "tl;dr" but with an elevated amount of douchefaggottry.
Guy#1: Alright, look. I brought you here to talk about Jess. She keeps telling me that you've been sending her inappropriate texts and aggressively grabbing her ass in the hallway. I know we're friends, but seriously, the two of us are in a relationship. Back off. Respect both of us and give her some space and I won't have to come at you.
Guy#2: cool story, bro
Guy#1: You know what? Fuck you.
by Implying713 July 18, 2011
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An appropriate response to a story that is not believable without proof and no proof was provided.

Somewhat like Pics or it didn't happen.
Person A: I just got 15 headshots in a row when spraying with an M249 in Counter Strike Source without hacks!
Person B: Got a replay for this?
Person A: No, but I swear it happened!
Person B: cool story bro.
by gd1 December 1, 2009
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