The poggest fish that ever existed. Clementine needs another shrine, give her another shrine. Tommy, idk what you were doing in the weird alternate reality and I don't care if Clementine did not really exist. GIVE HER A SHRINE.
Clementine the fish is so pog, she is the poggest fish to ever exist and is Tommy Danger Kraken Innit's daughter.
by imanalienhahahahaha October 9, 2021
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Serena-Clementine referred to as a hot tangerine. Or two people who have come together with a common interest.

Both Pretty
Is known as an interesting name and not that common.
sexy tanned skinny beachy person
wow did u just see serena clementine, that is one hot tangerine!!
by dont like you October 3, 2010
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1. the 4 most amazing people ever! L,R,A,N.

2. woman's boobs whose arent as big to be called melons but not to small to be called grapes. usually they are satisfactory, but some guys that are tools may not be satisfied.
Guy: dude... look at the clementine(s) on that girl.

Tool: ehh.. there not bigg enough for mee.
by lalalalalalalalalalallalalalau January 13, 2009
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The clementine Caligula once again used race to divide America and obscure his real motives in being President: PERSONAL ENRICHMENT.
by Paughnque October 4, 2017
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when you are doing a girl doggie style and wait till the climax then tell her you have aids then when she gets off your dick and turns around.....

you jizz all over her face
dang she just got a crazy clementine and its all over youtube. sucks for her.......
by north carolina March 4, 2009
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When your currently fucking your mom and then a bitch (your wife) walks in with a 12 gauge fucking shotgun and shoots your dick off then proceeds to grab your cut-off dick and use it as a dildo.
"Damn did you hear about Levi's Dirty Clementine last night? Must suck to live without a dick... "
by Daddymama September 19, 2021
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1.model on
2.scene queen. of the best dressed people on the internet, always wearing designer labels.
by scenescuzzy July 11, 2008
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