A fat nasty sucia that jumps from guy to guy. She wears thick lashes in order to hide her true identity as a slut . She does not appreciate real love as she thinks Sex is more important. She enjoys popping pimples and smelling belly buttons. Be careful of Cecilia
Cecilia is a nasty girl that looks less smelling belly button odor
by Mermaid16! April 11, 2022
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There's a 89% chance that if you know someone by this name they're homeless. If so the reason for their homelessness is probably the fact that they spent all of their money on bubble tea. You could probably say anything you want to a Cecilia and as long as you're not friends with them they won't do anything about it because they don't actually have a back bone. However you should never ask Cecilia about her accent though because she will actually complain about it to at least every person she talks to for the rest of the year. Cecilia also swallows liquids at a volume three times louder than the sound breaking.
Cecilia- "you want to get some bubble tea"
by Yeeyeedog July 9, 2019
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A super hot girl with the best ass in the world. She will f*** you till you can't stop smiling and will never tell. Dedicated to her love, she fits perfectly with a Travis, she will stand up and be courageous and will make you keep going. She loves school and always does extra. She is a community helper and will work 25/8 to get everything done to the best and beyond. NEVER turn down a Cecilia, she will treat you like a jewel and will be the angel in your life.
That is my Cecilia don't you dare try to take her cause I already claimed her.
by TheWorldIsBigAndWeNeedToSaveIt November 2, 2019
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super sexy person...mostly a girl.
dang!!she's sooo... CECILIA!!!
by Tl_Tl...S00_L0n3i3 February 26, 2009
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A super hot and fashionable girl. A heartbreaker. Loves her life. Can get any guy she wants. Also a name for one with powers to see the future
"Dude, you have to go meet Cecilia shes a sex god"
by Chris Havie September 29, 2009
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a frickin amazing kid.
who usually wears nerdy clothes and is still loved by all.
and no matter what you always have fun with a cecilia:D
the cecilia is one cool cat!

you know.
all that jazz.
by XX^.^XX July 27, 2008
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Cecilia is that one girl in a friend group who is the mom and the baby at the same moment. She tries to keep sanity but ends up crying in the middle of dinner. Shes pretty smart when she wants to be. Never does her homework but gets it done by the class starts. Shes a big procrastinator who lives on doritos, twinkies and netflix. She knows how to keep her friends from doing dumb things but also ends up doing dumb things. She knows what she wants but doesnt know how to get it. She likes boys a lot but claims shes not obsessed Have I mentioned she went in front of her school and pretended to be Hagrid from Harry Potter. Shes a dry texter but knows how to spice up a facetime call. She barely texts emojis and usually texts lowercase and with :) those faces. She has big opinions on things and is almost always talking. SHes pretty annoying but can light up your life ;)

xoxo cecilia
Have you heard of Cecilia shes pretty weird right?
by duhhmb September 7, 2019
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