a man that has to always eat-pussy in order to have sex.
This man is a real Casanova (romantic type) but will not be able to have sex unless he orally stimulates the female.
James is the sweetest guy, but unfortunately he's a clam diggin casanova
by Black Panther415 August 17, 2008
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Pop-rock musical group fronted by Jamie Star. With two commercial albums, The Casanova Playboys have gained momentum with their fans and also on the airwaves. The feature "Burlesque" is an animated piano pop treasure produced by Jonathan Fluevog in Vancouver, BC.
The Casanova Playboys. Five talented friends ready to rock. Listen to "Burlesque", "So Not Sorry" and "Out Of Control".
by Casanova Playboys July 14, 2010
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(also used as ECG's in short)
1>. females whose sole mission in life is to introduce disgusting sexual innuendos in your regular day to day conversation including ones at events where it may be deemed highly inappropriate such as funerals, management review meetings and conversations with your grandmother

2>. females who like to ambush unsuspecting innocent males with their flirtatious vibes, traumatizing the poor victim in such intensity that the victim shuns all future advances from the fairer sex. This is mostly likely to be followed by drunken orgies and monkey dancing, in celebration of another successful mission
Loser Professor 1 : *sob* I couldnt concentrate on my mensuration lecture today. Whenever I said mensuration, i swear i cud hear tittering at the back of class

Loser Professor 2 (sympathetic) : Oh dear! That class does have too many Evil Casanova Girls (ECG's)

Loser Professor 1 : And i have got 3 more lectures to go! Oh the horror of it!

Loser Professor 2 : But you better brace up. Wait till you come up against the ECG ambush!

Loser Professor 1 : Noooooooooo...Why my? Why me GOD!
by ECG's September 24, 2010
Christopher casanova is attractive but he talks to every girl he will get a chance with. He doesn't know how to stay loyal. Hes always late to his 4th period. He has 7 siblings.
person 1: christopher casanova is so fine
person 2: cj?
person 1: yea
person 2: oh hes a player though
by ur1nonly February 9, 2023
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Almost the same thing as a Sarsaparilla Circus (two people in the shower and one person on the toilet taking a shit) except it’s with women instead of men.
“Jennifer, Linda and Marjorie have so much fun together! For example, last night Linda went to the restroom to drop a deuce, but Marjorie and Jennifer busted in to the bathroom and start showering together! All while Linda is shitting her brains out! They all love a good Casanova Carnival!”
by Mrducandonuts February 20, 2023
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Cameron Casanova being defined as He is good at sports very charming and good looking and can get a girl in the bedroom just by looking at her
by Jimmy uso October 31, 2017
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