Easy target for raging lesbians. Best used when you don’t know ‘bittie’s’ Name. Which is every time.
“Gonna go slay some bittie’s At Liars bar tonight”
by Bittieflick January 13, 2018
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Bitty is slang for lady firends That fool around with other guy friends, Or Just girls Straight up. Rooted from the word bitch or bitches
Lets pick up some bitties tonight.
by Mark Westinghouse October 15, 2007
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adjective - (bih~tee) - describes an attractive female; a female; term used to describe a female friend, companion, or significant other.
The young lass was considered to be a bitty by her male counterparts.
by sleep-creep February 15, 2009
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An Attractive slut, usually younger than anyone else you hang out with, around the ages of 14-16, that show up at every party, trying to get free drugs, or booze in exchange for sexual favors never leading to home plate.
Guy 1: ahh crap, that bitty is here again with her friends!
Guy 2: well this sucks, they are gonna try and take my booze dude.
by StrikeFreedom November 19, 2007
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A famous word used mainly in the UK in High Wycombe which originated from Herbert road an area in Micklefield. Which is used to describe a cocaine drug addict or alcoholic or a tramp.

Quote from Mr Paul the BITTY-NATOR

"a bitty is hard to explain really, some people are born a bitty or you are just a bitty and need to wake the fuck up"
"Look at that pisshead what a bitty guy."
"look at shayaan that ginja cunt what a fucking bitty"
"lets get Levvi to attack the BITTY"
by Crissu montana July 10, 2012
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Derogatory term for "little bitches". Usually hot freshmen or sophomore girl who all the upper class guys like, there for the upper class girls hate. Usually the shit.
Senior (Girl): "Look at them damn bitties, they think there the shit!"

Senior (Guy): "DAM, look at dem fresh bitties!"

Freshmen: "Bitties are here!"
by KARL1111 September 15, 2011
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