Calling someone a bean
It could be good like best bean
Or bad like meanie bean
“Did you know that Lauren’s a best bean?”
“Whoa, I didn’t know that! Tell me more who are best beans!”
by Wholesome Cat October 19, 2020
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Most commonly used when referring to Xanax but can also be used for a number of other pills
poppin beans all night fo sure
by Queen._.Bee January 24, 2018
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Beane is an actual name, although most people don't know it. Beanes are great friends. They are usually quiet, but if you get to know them they are a lot louder, than you originally thought. Beanes try hard and are generally happy. They love eating and all animals, but not insects. You are lucky to know a Beane.
moores friend

Beanes that's a Beane
by Beane Beane October 24, 2013
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To describe Boston, Mass. A popular city where adidas sneakers a worn.
Yo where u from? The Bean
by ShonHood May 12, 2006
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Pill form of MDMA, also known as ecstasy. Beans are usually sold at $10 or less a pop, and generally much cheaper than pure MDMA because beans are cut or produced with a small percentage of cocaine or heroin to dilute the content. Because beans are produced illegally and on the black market, it's almost impossible to determine the actual percentage of MDMA used in any given pill.
"Let's roll on some beans at the rave tonight."

"Man I just took a bean, I'm rollin' hard."

"I popped three beans on Thursday and haven't slept since."
by 6sPoppin5sDroppin August 10, 2009
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When something happens to a person you know that is slightly misfortunate.
If your roommate comes home to a dead fish in their fish bowl, he/she got "beaned" or "beaned on"

You would say, "oh shit! You just got BEANED ON!"
by MasterChefBean69 November 14, 2016
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The statistically more realistic version of BLACKED. Instead of referring to people of African descent, it refers to Hispanics, specifically Mexicans.

This phrase derives from beaner.
FOX News Reporter, Tucker Carlson: America, I bet you can't guess who's really coming to dinner with your daughter or son this evening. According to Pew Research Center intermarriage statistics, the most common intermarried coupling, by a whopping 42%, are between a Hispanic and a non-Hispanic white. Unlike other intermarried couples, it barely varies by gender as 52% of white and Hispanic couples are of a Hispanic female and a non-Hispanic white male while 48% are of a Hispanic male and a non-Hispanic white female.

-Looks at camera with Tucker Carlson face-

America, it looks like some of our kids are getting BEANED.
by Big Titties Ivanka Trump June 18, 2018
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