In the poker variant of Texas Hold 'em, Bandits is a nickname for two jacks as a player's two hole cards. Also known as Pocket Jacks or Fish Hooks These are usually played fast as they are very vulnerable to a king or ace on the board. (Coined by Kyle Campbell)
J, A, J on the flop gave him a boat. He had pocket rockets... Too bad my bandits gave me quads.
by Kyle Gene Campbell August 16, 2007
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Sneaking a finger in the ass. Can also be a two fingered maneuver
While eating her out he decided boldly to give her a bandit
by Zook loves Ned April 16, 2014
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A person who had to deal drugs
Bandit:I once had to deal drugs
R6S fans:MEMES
by R6S fans will only get it March 19, 2019
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(1) A pussy hog
(2) A Asshole
(3) A guy you despise, although, you are attracted highly
(4) A Boy who will steal your girlfriend
(5) A boy who'll fuck anything that walks
(6) A Bi kid
(7) A Very naughty boy
Girl2: He's such a assbandit!
Girl3: I swear he screwed my best friend!
Girl4: He's like a Drug..i know i shouldn't be with him....but i'm additced to him!
Guy: That buttfucker stole my girlfriend!
by Silver Eyes April 27, 2009
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An initiation ritual common in parts of Massachusetts, The person to be initiated is held down by two conspirators, as the 3rd man surprises the victim with a thumb up the BUM.
After receiving the full brunt of the Bandit, Little Tommy was unable to sit down for 5 days, He also developed a compulsion for keeping his back against the wall.
by Guy Incognito July 1, 2003
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Verb. The act of stealing another guy's girl
I bandited Jimmy's girl
by DocLove November 16, 2003
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You seen that one guy at school ewww so bandit
by March 17, 2022
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