He is the frontman for Guns n' Roses. The only orginal bandmember left, and one of only 2 members from GNR's heyday left, the other one being keyboardist dizzy reed. He is right behind Robert Plant and Ozzy Osbourne for the title of greatest metal frontman ever, and had he produced more music, I'm sure he'd be on top. He is known for his high, powerful voice, his stage presence, his trademark tights and bandana, his wildness, and his occasional sentimental side.
He was born in Indiana in 1962 as William Bruce Rose Jr. When he was a baby, his abusive birth father left the family and he was renamed William Bruce Bailley for his stepfather, who beat up him & his mom and molested him at 2. As a teenager, he got tired of his stepfather, his town, and his fundamentalist christian upbringing, and left for LA. He wanted to drop his stepfather's name, but didn't want his dad's name (apparently his dad beat his mom while she was pregnant with him) so he became W. Axl Rose.
In LA, while in Hollywood Rose (a band) he met up with childhood friend Izzy Stradlin, who was in LA Guns. There were various lineup shuffles, and eventually Izzy and Axl formed Guns n' Roses. After several more lineup changes, GNR emerged with Duff McKagan, Steven Adler, and Slash. They became local fav's, and soon signed a contract for Appetite for Destruction. This album was a huge hit, going multi-platinum. The next album, GNR Lies, was big too, despite controversy over One in a Million. The band's hugeness reached a peak with the Use Your Illusion albums. However, conflicts were tearing them appart, 5th album "The Spaghetti Incident" was pretty weak, and eventually Axl was kicked out by duff and slash. 3 days later he sued to get the band's name, and won, then kicked out everyone except dizzy reed. He's brought in countless replacements to work on Chinese Democracy, and play shows when he feels like it. He recently made the news for a barfight with Tommy Hilfiger at Rosario Dawson's birthday party. He has quit drugs, after the experience of being clinically dead for 10 minutes. He likes live concerts, supermodels, and the quest for inner peace.
Don't fuck with Axl Rose.
by kingofcanada September 15, 2006
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brown-colored fecal residue that accumulates within the anal area as heat is generated between the butt cheeks, and mixes with anal perspiration, usu. during strenuous activity, or during a hot day. Is usually a by-product of swamp ass.
After defecating and wiping 64 times, my rectal area appeared to be as clean and pure as the white-driven snow. However, an hour later, as the the heat and humidity increased, this just wasn't the case. My swamp ass generated a little axle grease, as evidenced by the bacon strips on the inside of my underwear (which were the size of Rhode Island.) Shootin' hoops for lengthy periods can contribute to this deplorable condition as well.
by weave March 22, 2003
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The best rocker, the best voice. He composes wonderful songs to make us very happy. A sensitive man, charismatic, sensual and extremely romantic.
by Lady March 3, 2004
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Lead Singer of Guns N Roses. Multi-Talented tanti-thrower and songwriter and is the sexiest redhead ever! Gorgeous! Wrote some amazingly good songs like Madagascar, Garden Of Eden, Estranged, Night Train, Sweet Child O Mine, Don't Cry and My Michelle.


I sure wouldn't mind giving him oral!
A born-fuckmeister. He is the most fucking gorgeous and rebel frontman and I would bang him like a screen door in a hurricane!
by AXL's one and only Tayla October 17, 2004
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The man who drove apart one of if not the greatest band of all time, becoming a power-hungry, self-centered imbecile. Released an album under Guns N' Roses despite the fact that it should have been called "Axl N' Friends" Named by some as "king of the douchebags"

See also: douchebag
Person 1: Hey did you hear the new Guns N' Roses album Axl Rose finally released, Chinease Democracy?

Person 2: What are you talking abo...Oh you mean the Axl N' Friends album. No, I didnt feel like listening to King Douchebag's shitty replacement for the greatest band of all time
by Chucktacular December 8, 2011
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Axl is the best frontman of the world.
His voice is admirable. Axl is the best singer. Axl is unique.
Axl is like the Sun. We can not live without him.
by Pamela June 6, 2004
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1.frontman for late 80's/early 90's hard rock band guns n roses,known for having a short temper and generally being a ginger haired cry baby,leaving/gigs for the most pathetic reasons

2.someone who won't do something for the most pathetic of reasons,term inspired by guns n roses frontman
1."thanks to the lame ass security i'm going home"

2.bill "i can't work on this computer because the keyboard is the wrong colour i'm leaving"
jim "dude that is so axl rose"
by xmidnightsunx January 13, 2007
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