Straight women who love gay men are called fag hags, so when these ladies follow the guys around and want to be their best friends, instead of being tag alongs, they are hag alongs.
"You guys are going to the Triangle? Can I hag along?"

"I use my hag along as a beard for Thanksgiving."
by Coell December 30, 2005
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The best song ever.
And no, I'm not one of those idiot emo poser fags.
"Your hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold
Speak to me
When all you've gotta keep is strong,
Move along, move along,
Like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone,
Move along, move along,
Just to make it through,
Move along" - Chorus
For once I'm glad a song is overplayed on the radio.
by Lucio Soph August 4, 2010
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when you tag yourself or others in a photo that you/they are not actually in, and when questioned you give little explanation to the act.
friend-"why did you tag yourself as the mcdonalds bag?"
you-"i like mcdonalds"
how to respond when asked about a "tag"along
by ragglefragglejason March 20, 2011
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one of the songs released in summer 2005. took the title of the album "Move Along" by the all american rejects. song is now on every god damn radio station in america. every poser is singing it. damn wanabe emo kids think its so fucking emo cause the one line in the chorus. fuck them. fuck panic and fall out boy hawthorne heigts. all those fucking bands that these posers now listen to and claim as their music
some kid: your hands are shaking cold, your hands are mine to hold
some other kid: dude what you singing
some kid: that new song Move along by all american rejects
me: thats not new that came out the same time dirty little secret came out. almost a god damn year ago

power 98: its the new song from all american rejects "move along"
by Oliver Closeoff May 2, 2006
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To be forced by one's significant other to any place or social gathering against one's own will.
Hey, it looks like Mike is on a drag-along with Sally to a tupper ware party.
by Daniel Payton April 18, 2008
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The dog took a crap but had a tag along still stuck to its butt
by dude_up_the_road1 February 24, 2011
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