A man of urban legend said to have stalked and harrassed young men in the area around St Helens in Merseyside. He reportedly approched youths at gymns and rugby clubs and asked to feel their muscles. Other myths about purple aki includine him carving his initials into their buttocks and playing naughts and crosses on them with a knife.

A man called Akinwale Arobieke, was imprisoned in Liverpool in 2003, he was said to be the real Purple Aki.

More info is available on the net if you look.
by Rachel June 19, 2006
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An endearing phrase that loosely translates to, "What's mine is yours, friend."
Velkoz: The Zed is going bot
Blitzcrank: Team feeds every game. I deserve diamond
Nindale: Pega Aki
by Farsteer March 26, 2018
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Aki-Nyan refers to an amazing and utterly adorable person.
Aki-Nyan is also terribly silly, though I love her anyways. Aki-Nyan is simply the best.
"Aki-Nyan is an adorable little marshmallow!~♡"
by NotADork.Shuddup. August 7, 2017
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pronounced: ah-key-berg

1. One who is incompetent.
2. Devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action.

"This guy is a regular Aki Berg out there."
by _po_gv August 9, 2006
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Drummer of Finnish rock band The Rasmus. Amazing talent. Becoming very emoish as of late. Is apparently having a secret love affair with Lauri Ylönen, the singer of The Rasmus, and is there for a Mary Magdalene-like figure in Dynasticism. Also known as Sex With Drumsticks. Used to drum for two other Finnish bands; Killer and Kwan.
Aki Hakala rocks my socks!
by Dynasticist15 February 1, 2006
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Aki Sokudo is a nickname for a passion driven person who uses the nickname Aki and the Japanese word Sokudo wich translates to speed or velocity

his entire personality is built up for his passion of speed
yo Aki Sokudo is so passionate he's got it in his name
by Aki Sokudo September 3, 2021
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A word that triggers any man called Stan but looks like a Sid
Take care of your Aki Deen
by Bantersquad2018 March 22, 2018
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