A fallout of the classic widdly scuds comic. AFRICA refers to a very bright and colorful place of confusion, herbal plants commonly slang termed "AFRICA" can take one to this place of colorfulness. No warning on label, although, enjoying AFRICA can cause animals to come to real life, and one to enter a tribal state of mind. All ends abruptly with a flash of "AFRICA".
I was offered some "AFRICA" from my holmes in da hood. I travelled back to my 'crib' to take a bong hit and flicked on discovery channel. It was a brief moment, a lion was seen on screen, I was suddenly african and had a spear, the lion shot a laser beam that said AFRICA toward me, I saw the flash of "AFRICA" in colors. Revelation to say the least.
by Marker aka Widdly March 9, 2011
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Acclaimed New York musical
I saw the Acclaimed New York musical Oh, Africa, Brave Africa. It was a laugh riot.
by american bateman December 12, 2008
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The greatest musical piece eve conducted by be human race
Calvin:Hey Man what are you listening to?
Eric:Africa by Toto
Calvin:*On Knees and begging for mercy
by Xx_V1Rg1n_xX June 10, 2018
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The greatest achievement of humanity thus far. Acceptable to play anywhere as it is a universal bridge between people, animals and other life forms.
'Have you heard Africa - Toto man? It's so good!'
by GroundNutmeg March 21, 2018
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when the results from a poll or study are greatly changed because of all the poor people in Africa.
Bob: Did you hear that only 69% of the world owns TV's?

Jim: Ahh, thats the cuz of the Africa Vote!
by crazy_staniel January 23, 2013
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A non profit charity started in 2010.
Feeds people.
Funded by donation.
Great cause.
Pretty girls love people who are caring
Good to put in resume.
Started by two high school students.

Celebrities love this charity and are heavy donaters. It makes you look cool if you take part in this cause
Dave: "Hey man you wanna go do drugs after school?"
Barack: "Nah bro, I'm gonna go volunteer for Scraps For Africa!"

Lottery: "Well ma'am, what charity would you like to donate all of this money to?"

Tupac: "Ay yo fatass, you need to quit eating so much shit and donate to Scraps For Africa"
Biggie: "Man shut up! Nigga I donate anyways, I endorse that shit dog!"

Brangelina: "Hey, instead of adopting all of Africa, lets just donate to Scraps For Africa!"
Tom Cruise: "I WANNA DONATE TOO!!!!!!!"
by ILOVEOSMANSHAHID March 11, 2010
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Used to verbally bitch-slap a person who's complaining about something very small. So small that it is just ridiculous in comparison with some people's problems in the poor Africa.
Eva: "No mayonaise? Argh, could this day be any worse?"
Michael: "Meanwhile in Africa..."

Rik: "Argh, nothing is on TV tonight! Im pissed off!!"
Susan: "Meanwhile in Africa..."
by faevmija August 2, 2010
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