Abbys are looked upon as a perfect girl. Abbys are smart, pretty, and funny. They are really nice and joyful, they always has a smile on their face. Although, she has a deep inner self. She tends to judge herself harshly and she can go hard on herself. She is often a perfectionist, looking at the little details. Abbys are shy at first, but only some see her wild side. They're great singers and are very talented. Abbys always love to laugh, they're very funny. They can often get really competitive with others. Although they love to help others out- from volunteering at shelters to helping a friend out with homework. They are kind to all but like to tease them too. Abbys are very creative and like to think outside the box. You can often catch guys staring at her and having a conversation. They love to talk, sometimes a little too much. You can talk with her for hours. Note that she doesn't trust many people, but many trust her. Behind that free spirited personality, holds many secrets. It takes a bit to gain her trust, and if you manage to get her trust, never break it. She loves to spend time with friends, nothing's better then getting a hug to them. Abbys are great friends, she will do everything possible to make others happy, she's always there when you need her.

Love life-
Abbys make great girlfriends. They very loving, caring, sincere and sweet, they will never cheat on you. If you have an Abby, never let her go.

Abbys typically match well with Ethans or Matthews.
"Abby is so nice, she took the time to help me with my homework"

"Dang Abby is so perfect, she's really smart and has all A's, she's really pretty and kind, and she always has a smile on her face."
by Skylar:) October 4, 2018
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Abbie really hot girl who is very sexy, when you meet abbie you will instantly fall for her. Abbie is the sweetest person You will ever meet. when you find an Abbie do not let her go. Abbie usually has luscious brown hair and bright eyes. She is known to be a caring friend and loved by many, she can be extremely bubbly most of the time but everyone loves her that way. Guys jaws drop when abbie walks by, she's like a goddess. God how everyone wishes to be her, girls want to be her and guys want her. However she can get a little annoying, but nobody really minds. she is a really brilliant friend and can be sensitive when it comes to friendships and relationships. Abbies' are mainly class jokers and get along with everyone! Overall abbie is a hawt lady ;) .
by Thatboy2015 March 30, 2015
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Abby is the sweetest, coolest, and cutest person u'll ever meet. She is shy but has a very bold personality. Guys break their leg falling for her every time she walks down the hall. Shes usually a brunette rarely a blonde and is very athletic. She has lots of friends because everyone loves her vibe. Anybody will like an Abby at one point in their life. She is willing to talk at anytime, is a very good secret keeper, but will never let hers get out. she is sometimes a twin and has the prettiest blue eyes u'll ever see.
Guy 1: Wow, look at her blue eyes, she must be an Abby
Guy 2: I heard she doesn't date, one boy asked her out and she said she liked him but she just doesn't date.
Guy 1: I WANT HER!!!
*fight breaks out*
Guy 4: *Stands off to the side knowing she's his*😍😍😍😍
by BA07 June 4, 2019
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ABBY is the one person you will most likely never be friends with but if you ever do take it as an honor because she is so loyal she will have a boyfriend that does not even like him like that so he does not hurt anyone's feelings, so she is an incredible individual she can attract a man in a heart-beat and if they don't come that's because they have no heart beat to attract.When she starts to feel depressed just remind her about her relationship actually wait don't just tell her about her best friend that is awesome by the way,
i wonder if i will ever meet an ABBY.
by wmoore December 16, 2018
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The girl who always has a good time. The girl who is always making people laugh, and who is easily loved. The girl who is beatiful on the inside and the outside. The girl has slammin hips. The girl whose dedicated, and has a rockin family. The girl who is the best best friend ever, amazing all around!!
Wow i wish I had an Abby friend!

Damnn, look at hurr she must be an Abby!
Mmmm look at those hips.
by The Jonas Brothers May 10, 2008
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A girl who is sometimes thought of as annoying. But she is normally a very nice person, and hates when people think badly of her. Sometimes she feel's misunderstood. Also, she can be thought of as beautiful, but she thinks that she's the ugliest person ever, and needs reassuring sometimes. She's not very good at hiding emotions, but can hide the DEEPEST DARKEST secrets and emotions. She cares a lot about people and understands emotions and she is easily hurt. She's innocent, sweet, and hates hurting other people. Also, cares a lot about grades and where her life is overall amazing person!
PS- She believes in fairytales and Happily Ever After
Justin: What, that girl, she's so amazing... *starts drooling*
Kevin: Haha, that's why her name is Abby!
Nick: Yeah, seriously, have you never seen an Abby before, stop drooling...
by Carrie Gras April 29, 2010
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Abby is the best person you’ll ever meet in your entire life. She’s a sweet, kind, caring person. No matter what she will always be there for you. If you have the chance to meet or be with a Abby don’t miss out. She is also THE prettiest girl I know. No matter what people tell her she will always be pretty. Her brown hair frames her hazel-green eyes like a picture. Abby is a very forgiving person, and to add on very talented. She’s athletic, loves music, and very smart. Always there to help you with math homework. She also is one of the funniest people I will ever know and meet. When I’m feeling sad and down she’s always there to bring a smile to my face. Yes she may be a funny potato, but she’s my potato. She’s a majestic potato. Yes...
*on the phone with a Abby*

Abby: I really want to eat chocolate cake...
Me: Same, let’s do it.

*goes to store and gets cake. Soon going to Abby’s house and watching movies while eating cake*
by Majestic_Potato October 15, 2018
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