I fucked my bitch in the ass then put it directly into her mouth. I ATM'd her.
by M. Shy September 9, 2003
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*noun* pronounced ay-tee-em

1. To describe a filthy woman of loose morals.
2. A ghastly snaggle toothed woman that sleeps with anything breathing and some that are not.

*verb* pronounced ay-tee-em

1. The act of getting back at your friends while they are trying to break the two jackals filled with pent up sexual desire up.
2. Throwing the whore on the bathroom floor and inserting the cock in the ass, and then letting her lick the filthy juices of cum and ass off your cock, clean style.

Kerp: I heard Conner made a deposit at the ATM.

Milo: Did you hear he pulled an ATM on us in the RV, again!

Milo: Wow, on the trip back home, that's all she could talk about was the ATM action she got!
by The Tang Bang Crew May 20, 2008
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a) (apples that melt): valuables left ''unattended", especially food , consumed in the blink of an eye by other family members, left on your kitchen table
b) (assholes that matter): teachers in high school you absolutely hate, but whose class you must absolutely take, and pass, in order to graduate.
I mean we have all had an atm, definition, b), right?
by Sexydimma February 28, 2015
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Ass-to-Mouth, sexual term for anal to oral penis insertion.
She was a kinky bitch; she really loved ATM.
by brucec2003 July 25, 2006
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Ass to Mouth means person A is fucking the ass of person B. Person A removes cock (prior to cumming) from ass and inserts in mouth of person B.
Mmmm...the nutty brown flavor of ATM.
by Anon April 7, 2004
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Ass To Mouth. The act of pumping your girlfriend or neighbor's wife in the ass, pulling your cock out before you cum and letting her suck you off.
She said she wanted to taste her asshole, so we did a little ATM and we finished with a facial.
by slicksal October 19, 2006
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When a man -or- a woman with a strap-on fucks a woman -or- a man in the ass, and then immediately puts the penis -or- strap-on into the woman -or- mans mouth without cleaning it first.
As a straight couple:
Dude, I gave my girlfriend ATM yesterday and now there are weird sores on her mouth!

As a gay couple:
Like, I totally like fucked my boyfriend in the ass yesterday then like stuck it in his mouth, it was like hawt.

As a FemDom couple:
My husband took my dirty strap-on in his mouth yesterday after I fucked him in the ass. He loves it when I give him ATM, that little bitch.
by FemDom Bitch September 12, 2007
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