The act of using as much of your sick time as possible when you know you are leaving your present job and knowing that you will not be paid out for your sick time. This results in you being out sick for an extended period of time. Due to the long absence you claim you have mono. There is a two week minimum requirement for mental mono.
"Is Dave okay, he has been out sick for awhile?"

"He is fine, he has had mental mono since Penn State offered him the job."

"Good for him, way to burn up his sick time."
by Dave Pennell January 15, 2009
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A painting of the Mona Lisa which is soo hot
aart: done painting the mona lisa, but hotter
leo: ayo thats not a mona lisa thats a mono lisa
mark: leo's right. could you give that mono lisa a body, a torso, a vagina...
aart: umm, okay? lemme guess with a hole?
mark: mmm, that would be perfect for fucking
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a retarded website full of elmer davey chats. Also used to describe a small social backwater.
mono is full of elmer darcy coolsie chats.

I went to Ding Dong the other night. It was completely mono.
by pungentegg February 19, 2004
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The filthiest of all nightclubbers. These low life, oxygen thieves can be found in the corners ofdark, humid, drug filled, sweaty-cock-smelling clubs of the late night entertainment district. This breed of scum, are generally identified by the lack of a 23rd chromosone, fluro attire, immense amounts of sweat, and are often seen chewing on their own cheeks due to a high intake of illicit drugs. Female mono rats are also reffered to as cumdumpsters. Originated in Australia.
Nick: Oh why are mono rats here?
Mike: Fucks me but lets get out of here, they smell like a used condom.
by Olive-leaf March 26, 2008
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Similiar to uni-whore... being a slut with just one person
I promise to be a total mono-slut with you.
by Jessica Nichole December 19, 2003
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when someone is trying to enter a list of numbers and is taking a really long time.
jeez, that was a mono cap for sure.
by Apollo graham January 28, 2021
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This term mainly relates to online games in which a single player kills off all of the remaining enemies or wipes out the entire opposing team by itself. More simply put as, one person defeated everyone else.

This term may also work in real life situations such as paintball, air soft, some sports and even in war/combat zones.
Red Team Player #1: "WOW our whole entire team has been killed off accept for one guy, and there is four more left on the blue team"

Red Team Player #2: "Yeah, we got no chance here"

(Red Team Player #3 kills everyone on the blue team and wins the match for the red team)

Red Team Player #4: "Holy Crap he killed them all just by himself!"

Red Team Player #3: "Yeah dude they just got Mono Fucked"
by Fireblac February 23, 2010
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