When someone is overly salty to the point that they get crisp on the outside.
Jon “did you hear that Ben kissed yo girl”
Mark “oh hell na, I’m so crispy at ben”
by rpetersen January 14, 2019
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When something is super cool. Or if someone is looking super hot. Or if something super cool happens. Or when you're feeling a nice high. Or if you're just in a generally good place, like in a good mood and things are going swimmingly. It's like a way of life.
Ohhhhh, I'm so crispy right now. I'm feeling so crispilicious. Crispier than a crisp.
by original Killjoys May 22, 2009
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To feel crispy is to feel that feeling when you know you have fucked up or otherwise embarassed yourself. It is not embarassment because it does not have to be something that others would find embarassing. Crispiness is someting only you can feel. You cannot say that someone who has fucked up is feeling crispy unless he tells you that he feels crispy. This definition may only be relevant in Douglasville. Also has nothing to do with dubstep remixes. That would be Chrispy.
*Drops a plate of food.*
"Ahh, I'm feeling a little crispy."

*Makes a 45 on a test.*
"Ahh, I'm feeling pretty crispy."
by ImpellerWedge October 30, 2011
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leftovers; something unwanted; rejected; crumbs.

Crispie-a person who is leftout or unwanted.; forgotten.
Can I have thoses pretzel crispies?
Look at all those awkward girls... such crispies.
We're the crispies of the team!
by becky t April 9, 2011
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noun;overly tan person.Usually also has bleach fried hair and fried brain.As well as fake body parts.
A stupid crispy just hit my car while talking on her cell phone.
Haha! That crispy has Melanoma
by Juliette Laurent December 31, 2009
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Someone who has been in the sun too long and has extremely dark skin that resembles the light after midnight.
Amari, or people who live in the center of africa like your mom
by h May 12, 2004
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