He don’t care what he did after 10pm

He’s a menace to society
“I don’t regret what I did april 18, 1856 shortly after 10pm.
by Lol_you_bum_ June 24, 2021
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April 18, On April 18 it’s nation hold hands day, single or not if someone wants to hold your hand you have to let them.
I’m going to hold your hand on April 18 national hold hands day
by Jsksk April 17, 2019
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National succ dicc day.
The day all the girls succ dick.
And the day is for the boys
-" hey bro it's April 18
-" yah go get ur dic succed"
by Mordi=gay October 30, 2019
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April 18 is national push ksenya into tom day!
girl1: ITS April 18, that means its national push ksenya into tom day.
girl2: *pushes ksenya into tom*
girl3: YASSSS
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