Someone you don’t ever see again. Someone you try to avoid at all cost and despise. Usually idiots
My ex is so fucking dumb, I wish he would die already
by Tittyfuck76 October 11, 2019
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Someone who hurts you most before you get an ACTUAL lover, unless you have 3+ exes. Might as well stop dating until you're thirty.
"My ex ate my chicken."
"My ex found my chocolate and hurt my feelings."
by Whatyouatefordinner April 24, 2018
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a word used by thousands of people around the world as a cover up for the words obnoxiouss, evil, and slutty
Oh, him? Yeah, I hate him. He's just like my ex
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A nickname for the recreational drug methylenedioxymethamphetamine, better known as Ecstasy.
"I bet this techno music would sound good if we were on ex."
by The Eggman August 16, 2006
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what is that if i ever dated you then i was dumb
him-i am your ex

me-what is that

by iamuglyasf June 6, 2019
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Qualites and Actions which ebody general cuntiness from one's ex.
"Hey, Sorry about yesterday. Wasn't in the mood after dealing with a fair bit of Exness from the ex Skeeze"
by Sexual Chocolate Mike January 28, 2012
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